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December 2017
Love Your Woodlands? Help Preserve Them—Buy Local Firewood!
Landscape Scale Conservation: A Working Lands Model at Tejon
Yeah, It Is Something Big, Is It for You?
Tejon Ranch Olive Trees

CSUB Geology Undergraduates Rewrite Geology History
Actualizing the Mission of the Tejon Ranch Conservancy

November 2017
Tejon Ranch  ̶  One Contiguous Expanse of Land

How Long Do They Live?

Bugs, Biodiversity, and the Big Picture

Welcome Hugh McMahon, Our Newest Board Member!

The California Naturalist Series: COYOTE, Canis latrans

Dispatches from Albuquerque: The Wildlife Society Conference 2017


October 2017
Norpacs and Mojave Greens: Rattlers on Tejon
October Outreach
Leporids and Lepus
High Desert Camp at Tejon
CNS: Dragonflies and Damselflies
Video: Reflective Cougar on Tejon Ranch


September 2017
Tejon Ranch Conservancy or Tejon Ranch Company… Who’s Who?
Research Update: Spotlight on Jepson Herbarium Workshops
CNS: A Perfect Partnerships (the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) and the yucca moth (Tegeticula
Working with Young Conservation Volunteers: A Win-Win
A Start t Addressing Wild Pig Problems in the West: A Collaboration with Videos


August 2017
Biocontrol Efforts on Tejon Ranch
 A River Runs Through It: Ancient Landscapes of Tejon Ranch (Part Two)
CNS: Anthropods
The Antelope Ground Squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus)
Meet Garry George, Our Newest Board Member
Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
Getting It Right: Wildlife Camera Planning with Videos

July 2017

Ranch Round Up
Saying Goodbye (Michael White, Ph.D.)
A River Runs Through It: Ancient Landscapes of Tejon Ranch (Part One)
Pronghorn Fawning Update
Meet California Naturalist and Docent Kate Allen
Videos: The Lives of Birds

June 2017

At the Convergence of Ecoregions
Components of a Good Wildflower Bloom
CNS: A Short Review of California Mammals
Welcome Chris Fabbro!
Pronghorn Fawning
Videos: One Scene, Four Seasons

May 2017
Spring Migration Is Upon Us
End of an Era (Michael White, Ph.D.)
CNS: Spring
Purple Martin
Meet One of Our Newest Volunteers  ̶  Jim McInerney
Videos: Bears Will Be Bears

April 2017
Wildflower Season
Reptile Emergence
Mustard Madness!
CNS: The Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)
Meet Volunteer and California Naturalist Dan Potter
The Power of… Mud with Videos

March 2017
Meet the Wildflowers!
‘April Showers Bring May Flowers’  ̶  Except in California and Other Mediterranean Climates
Why Do Wildflowers Grow Where They Do?
A Foray into Tejon Ranch’s Nonvascular Flora: Botany on a Different Scale
Meet Our Newest Board Member Mike Campeau
A Volunteering Primer
A Day of Pipe Capping on Tejon Ranch
Videos: Rocky Mountain Elk

February 2017

Comanche Point
Saltbush Research Led by California State University Bakersfield Student Mitchell Coleman
Meet Volunteer Paula Harvey
Tejon CBC (Christmas Bird Count) 2016
Meet the Western Bluebird
Video: Bobcat Predation on Tejon Ranch
A Correction to January’s Newsletter: Edmonston Pump Plant Road is a private road, so is not a
           venue for viewing bald eagles.

January 2017

Bald Eagles on Tejon: A Majestic Over-wintering Resident
Welcoming the Women of Weather!

Owls on Tejon Ranch

Welcome Terry Watt, New Conservancy Board Member

Here We Go Again…

Chuck Noble: A Legacy of Volunteerism

Conservancy Wildlife Tech Mark Herr

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