Be part of something big! With 240,000 acres under its care, the Tejon Ranch Conservancy helps oversee management of one of the biggest and oldest working ranches in California. But we are more than just acres: we are research, education and exploration – we are science and stewardship – and we are discovery.
You can assist the Conservancy through Membership,
or a donation to the Education, Science or Public Access program.
Supporting Member – $50 to $499
Conservancy ENews, Conservancy cap and decal
Stewardship Partner – $500 to $999
Above, plus invitation to exclusive Conservancy event
Conservation Partner – $1,000 and up
Above, plus private Ranch tour with Conservancy staff or docent naturalist
Student Membership – $25
Conservancy ENews, Conservancy cap and decal
How does a child learn best? Memorization of math tables, navigating an iPad or could it possibly be just the simple task of looking at a square foot of ground in a place as vast and natural as the Tejon Ranch? There is so much to see, to smell, to feel, and ultimately to learn from that tiny patch of earth. In simply doing something like this, can a child be inspired, can a child imagine their future? We think so and hope you do as well.
Many of the young people the Tejon Ranch Conservancy brings to these 240,000 conserved acres through TEJON TEACHES have never been in the wild, never hiked a hillside, never spotted an eagle, let alone a condor. But it’s not just exposure to nature that we strive to deliver. TEJON TEACHES gives local schools and teachers unique tools and experiences that supplement their curriculum and improve learning.
Please join the Conservancy in this outstanding opportunity to use the vast protected natural resources of this ecologically important and iconic landscape to help inspire the minds of the future and give a child a chance to learn.
Maintaining a robust Science Program is vital to the Conservancy’s overall mission. Whether it be riparian habitat enhancement as part of grazing management activities or one of many Conservancy-facilitated research projects conducted by regional institutional partners, scientific understanding is a core value of the Conservancy. Donations in support of the Conservancy’s Science Program are essential, ensuring the Ranch’s many incredible natural resources are not only known, but sustainably managed for the benefit of future generations.
The Conservancy’s Public Access Program facilitates community and group hikes, public driving tours, photographic workshops and special events. Your support allows the Conservancy to continue exposing local residents, regional citizens, and Audubon, Sierra Club and other groups to the amazing topography, wildlife (both plant and animal) and geology of the Ranch. It also gives the Conservancy the opportunity to educate visitors about conservation’s importance.