What is the Tejon Ranch Conservancy?
The Tejon Ranch Conservancy is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit land trust dedicated to preserving, enhancing and restoring the native biodiversity and ecosystem values of Tejon Ranch and the Tehachapi Range for the benefit of California’s future generations. More than 200 species of birds have been spotted, a third of the state’s native oaks are represented and more than 60 at-risk plant and animal species are protected here.
Where is the Ranch?
The Ranch is uniquely situated about halfway between Bakersfield and Los Angeles, east of Interstate 5 where the Southwestern California, Sierra Nevada, Central Valley and Mojave Desert bioregions converge.
How big is the Ranch?
The Tejon Ranch is 422 square miles. The Conservancy is responsible for protecting 90% of that land or 240,000 acres; that is almost nine times the size of San Francisco.
Who created the Conservancy?
In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, the Conservancy was created in 2008 through an agreement between Tejon Ranch Company, Audubon California, Endangered Habitats League, Natural Resources Defense Council, Planning and Conservation League, and Sierra Club to protect 90% of Tejon Ranch. The agreement is referred to as the Tejon Ranch Conservation and Land Use Agreement or the Ranch-Wide Agreement.
What is the Conservancy doing on the Ranch?
The Conservancy oversees the conservation planning, protection and management of the 240,000 acres of conserved Tejon Ranch lands. The organization has created a conservation blueprint known as the Ranch-wide Management Plan that guides its activities. The RWMP is in three volumes: 1 - Natural Community Descriptions; 2 - Conservation Activities and Best Management Practices; and 3 - Public Access Plan.
The Conservancy's immediate goals include:
Systematically explore Tejon Ranch to document and better understand its extraordinary natural resources.
Use this knowledge and scientific principles to develop sound stewardship practices that maintain, enhance and restore the Ranch’s ecosystems.
Pursue partnerships that advance the Conservancy’s mission and conservation goals for Tejon Ranch and the Tehachapi Range.
Provide public opportunities to learn about, explore and experience firsthand both the beauty and diversity of the Ranch, along with conservation in action through volunteer service.
How can I get on the Ranch?
Public access to the Ranch is an organizational priority for the Conservancy. As members of the public experience the extraordinary natural riches of the Ranch, their understanding of and investment in conservation deepen. From community hikes and tours, to student and volunteer programs, opportunities abound to explore this remarkable place.
The Conservancy's Public Access Program is the primary means of providing access to the public. Hikes and tours take place much of the year with an emphasis on wildflower viewing, birding and amateur photography.
Outreach to schools, educators and youth organizations provides the educational benefits of getting outside and is producing the next generation of citizens with an appreciation of wild places, and a culture of conservation and stewardship. To learn more, visit our Education Program page.
Volunteers provide valuable assistance as the Conservancy continues to explore and document the natural resources of the Ranch. You can get involved by becoming a volunteer. Your Audubon, Sierra Club chapter or other group can do citizen science work by calling or emailing the Conservancy, using the contact info below.