Ecological Monitoring
Ecological Monitoring
Regular monitoring of ecological resources is a huge component of how the Conservancy manages the Ranch for conservation values. Resource monitoring takes the form of internal surveys, student projects, and various citizen-science focused projects. These projects include:
Riparian Vegetation Monitoring: annual monitoring of riparian resources in each of our habitat enhancement areas.
Rare Plants Surveys: combination of discovering new populations and documenting annual conditions by year of known stands
Bryophyte Sampling
RDM Monitoring
Invasive Plant Mapping
Oak and Acorn Surveys
Burrowing Owl Surveys
Christmas Bird Count
Etymological Surveys
Herpetological Surveys
Pronghorn Surveys
Purple Martin Surveys
Watershed Monitoring
Wildlife Camera Trapping: The Conservancy maintain an array of wildlife cameras to better understand the movements, condition, and behavior of wildlife on the Ranch. Check out the “Wildlife Wednesday” video playlist for more information.