The extraordinary biological complexity of Tejon Ranch is framed by over 150 years of land management. The Ranch is a working landscape – cattle ranching, hunting, agriculture, and oil and gas extraction are a few of the ongoing operations on the property. In 2013 the Conservancy and the Tejon Ranch Company formalized a Ranch-wide Management Plan (RWMP). It is a blueprint for the shared conservation management of the property, including Best Management Practices (BMPs) guidelines for existing Company operations and Conservation Activities, to advance Conservancy conservation goals, now and in the future.
Monitoring the Ranch’s conserved lands and conservation easements for compliance with conservation guidelines is a core part of the Conservancy’s responsibility as a land steward on Tejon. The staff also works collaboratively with the Company and its lessees to promote sustainable cattle grazing, treat invasive species, and amend or create infrastructure to enhance conservation values, including habitat quality and ecological function.

Be part of something big! With 240,000 acres under its care, the Tejon Ranch Conservancy helps oversee management of one of the largest, and perhaps most historic, working cattle ranches in California. But we are more than just acres: we are research, education and exploration – we are science and stewardship – and we are discovery.